Neatly Organized List of the Fortune 1000 Companies (+ Contact Info)

August 2, 2023 by
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The Fortune 500 is a list of the 1,000 largest companies in the US, which is compiled each year by Fortune magazine, a U.S-based business publication founded in 1929. The companies currently make up about two-thirds of US GDP and 18% of the gross world product, with about $20.4 trillion in market value.

The report includes all the data you need to understand and reach out to each company in minutes, including verified email addresses.

Data columns included:

  • Company Name
  • URL
  • Industry
  • Location
  • Ticker
  • Revenue
  • Employee Count
  • Verified Company Emails
  • Company Twitter
  • Company Facebook
  • Company Linkedin
  • Company Instagram
  • CEO Name
  • Verified CEO Emails
  • CEO Twitter
  • CEO Linkedin
  • CEO Facebook
  • CEO Instagram

Download today

The report costs $299 and comes in .csv and Excel formats so you can easily import the report into Google Docs or your CRM.

Download the report for $299

If you have any questions regarding this report, please email us.

About The Author

Growth List Team

This article was written by the collective effort of the Growth List team using the data we spend hundreds of hours compiling every week.

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